Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries

The members of the project-team have taught the following courses:

  • Licence: Outils mathématiques pour l'ingénieur, 15h, L3, École des Ponts (E. Cancès, V. Ehrlacher, M. Josien, F. Legoll, T. Lelièvre),

  • Licence: Équations aux dérivées partielles et éléments finis, 15h, L3, École des Ponts (T. Hudson, F. Legoll, A. Levitt),

  • Licence: Hydrodynamique numérique, 15h, L3, École des Ponts (S. Boyaval),

  • Licence: Maths 1 et 2, 9h, L3, École des Mines (G. Stoltz),

  • Licence: Mathématiques pour l'économie, 36h, L1, Dauphine (J. Roussel),

  • Licence: Analyse et calcul scientifique, 30h, L3, Ecole des Ponts (T. Hudson, M. Josien, B. Nectoux, G. Stoltz),

  • Master: Mécanique des milieux continus - partie solides, 14h, M1, ENS Cachan (L. Chamoin),

  • Master: Ondes et chocs dans les structures, 8h, M1, ENS Cachan (L. Chamoin),

  • Master: Mathématiques des modèles multiéchelles, 39h, M1, École des Ponts (F. Legoll),

  • Master: Analyse et équations aux dérivées partielles, 36 h, M1, École des Ponts (T. Lelièvre),

  • Master: Projet de département IMI, 12h, M1, École des Ponts (J. Roussel),

  • Master: Projets de physique, 10h, M1, École des Ponts, France (A. Levitt, G. Stoltz),

  • Master: Modélisation mathématique des vagues, 3h, École des Ponts (S. Boyaval),

  • Master: Analyse de Fourier et applications, 16h, M1, École des Ponts (V. Ehrlacher, A. Levitt, G. Stoltz),

  • Master: Approximation numérique et optimisation, 32h, École Polytechnique (E. Cancès, T. Lelièvre) ,

  • Master: Analyse variationnelle des équations aux dérivées partielles, 32h, École Polytechnique (E. Cancès),

  • Master: Contrôle des modèles et dualité, 24h, M2 Mathématiques et Applications, ENS Cachan (L. Chamoin),

  • Master: Problèmes multi-échelles, 24h, M2 Mathématiques et Applications, Paris 6 (F. Legoll),

  • Master: Méthodes variationnelles et théorie spectrale, 10h, M2 Mathématiques et Applications, Paris 6 (E. Cancès),

  • Master: Méthodes numériques probabilistes, 24 h, M2 Mathématiques et Applications, Paris 6 (T. Lelièvre),

  • Master: Introduction to computational statistical physics, 20h, M2 Mathématiques et Applications, Paris 6 (G. Stoltz).

The following PhD theses have been defended in the group at École des Ponts:

  • Eddy Bernard, Université Paris-Est, defended on Nov. 25, 2016, supervised by G. Chambaud (Université Paris-Est) and E. Cancès,

  • Jean-Léopold Vié, Université Paris-Est, École des Ponts and Ecole Polytechnique, defended on Dec. 16, 2016, supervised by G. Allaire (Polytechnique) and E. Cancès,

  • Ahmed-Amine Homman, Multiscale methods for the simulation of shock and detonation waves, Université Paris-Est, École des Ponts and CEA/DAM, defended on June 16, 2016, supervised by G. Stoltz and J.-B. Maillet (CEA),

  • François Madiot, Multiscale finite element methods for advection diffusion problems, Université Paris-Est, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, defended on December 8, 2016, supervised by C. Le Bris and F. Legoll,

  • Rémi Sainct, Study of instabilities in traffic models, defended on September 22, 2016, supervised by T. Lelièvre and X. Louis (IFSTTAR),

The following PhD theses are ongoing in the group at École des Ponts:

  • Athmane Bakhta, Modélisation and simulation for photovoltaic applications, Université Paris-Est, École des Ponts, started October 1st, 2014, supervised by E. Cancès and T. Lelièvre, co-supervised by V. Ehrlacher,

  • Amina Benaceur, Thèse CIFRE EDF, started January 1st, 2016, supervised by A. Ern, co-supervised by V. Ehrlacher, in collaboration with G. Blatman (EDF) and S. Meunier (EDF),

  • Lingling Cao, Mathematical analysis of models of thermo-electronic transport, Université Paris-Est, École des Ponts, started November 1st, 2016, supervised by E. Cancès and G. Stoltz,

  • Qiming Du, Mathematical analysis of splitting methods, École Doctorale Sciences Mathématiques de Paris Centre, started September 1st, 2016, supervised by A. Guyader (UPMC) and T. Lelièvre,

  • Gérôme Faure, Multiscale methods for the simulation of shock and detonation waves, Université Paris-Est, École des Ponts and CEA/DAM, started November 1st 2014, supervised by G. Stoltz and J.-B. Maillet (CEA),

  • Grégoire Ferré, Efficient sampling methods for nonequilibrium systems, Université Paris-Est, École des Ponts, started October 1st, 2016, supervised by G. Stoltz,

  • Marc Josien, Multiscale approaches for materials science, started September 1st, 2015, supervised by C. Le Bris,

  • Henri Louvin, Splitting methods and radioprotection, Ecole Doctorale PHENIICS, started September 1st, 2014, supervised by Check Diop (CEA) and T. Lelièvre,

  • Boris Nectoux, Metastability and quasi stationary distribution, started November 1st, 2014, supervised by T. Lelièvre and E. Cancès,

  • Julien Roussel, Variance reduction techniques for nonequilibrium systems, Université Paris-Est, École des Ponts, started September 1st, 2015, supervised by G. Stoltz,

  • Pierre-Loik Rothé, Numerical methods for the estimation of fluctuations in multi-scale materials and related problems, started October 1st, 2016, supervised by F. Legoll,

  • Laura Silva Lopes, Rare event simulation and applications to biological systems, started October 1st, 2016, supervised by J. Hénin (IBPC) and T. Lelièvre,

  • Pierre Terrier, Reduced models for defect migration in metals, Université Paris-Est, École des Ponts and CEA Saclay, started September 1st, 2015, supervised by G. Stoltz and M. Athènes (CEA),

Project-team members have participated in the following PhD juries:

  • S. Boyaval was in the jury for the PhD of Viljami Laurmaa (“An octree-based adaptive semi-Lagrangian free surface flow solver”), defended at EPFL in May 2016.

  • S. Boyaval was in the jury for the PhD of Joubine Aghili (“Méthodes de discrétisation et de réduction de modèle pour des EDP à coefficients variables”), defended in Montpellier in December 2016.

  • E. Cancès was a referee of the PhD of Maxime Morinière (“États résonants en théorie de perturbation à plusieurs corps”), defended in Grenoble in December 2016.

  • V. Ehrlacher was in the jury for the PhD of Luca Nenna (“Numerical methods for Multi-Marginal Optimal Transport”), defended at Paris Dauphine in December 2016.

  • V. Ehrlacher was in the jury for the PhD of Jean-Léopold Vié (“Second-order derivatives for shape optimization with a level-set method”), defended at CERMICS in December 2016.

  • V. Ehrlacher was in the jury for the PhD of Faizan Nazar (“Electronic Structure of Defects in the Thomas-Fermi-von Weiszäcker Model”), defended at Warwick in December 2016.

  • F. Legoll was in the jury for the PhD of Dena Kazerani (“Études mathématiques de fluides à frontières libres en dynamique incompressible”), defended at UPMC in November 2016.

  • T. Lelièvre was a referee for the PhD of Tomasz Badowski on “Adaptive importance sampling via minimization of estimators of cross-entropy, mean square and inefficiency constants” defended at Freie Universität Berlin.

  • T. Lelièvre was a referee for the PhD of Arthur Talpaert on “Direct Numerical Simulation of bubbles with Adaptive Mesh Refinement with distributed algorithms” defended at École Polytechnique.

  • T. Lelièvre was in the jury for the PhD of Ahmed-Amine Homman (“Développement de schémas numériques d'intégration de méthodes multi-échelles”), defended at CERMICS in June 2016.

  • T. Lelièvre was in the jury for the PhD of Gang Liu on “Rare event simulation by shaking transformation and Non-intrusive stratified resampling method for dynamic programming”, defended at École Polytechnique in November 2016.

Project-team members have participated in the following habilitation juries:

  • E. Cancès was a referee of Stéphane Redon's HdR, defended in Grenoble in May 2016.

  • E. Cancès participated in the HdR jury of Nicolas Rougerie, defended in Grenoble in November 2016.

  • T. Lelièvre was a referee of Pierre Etoré's HDR (“Quelques contributions à l'étude et à la simulation des diffusions asymétriques”), defended in Grenoble in December 2016.